Be yourself, free your potential

Industrial Performance Optimization Department

Industrial Performance Optimization Department

In order to respond to the problems encountered in the business world and in the industrial sector, we have created a specialized department in which we offer specific applications of the O.P.O. movement.

The primary objective of this department is to provide our clients with a new understanding of the issues at stake through an innovative and unique approach to the optimization of production, competitiveness and operational functions.

To achieve this, the human element is at the heart of the transformation carried out by O.P.O Consulting. By incorporating the key concepts of the O.P.O. method into the workforce, our clients reconcile economic imperatives such as cost reduction and machine efficiency optimization with human and managerial imperatives.

Our process

Our process

First of all, we target the needs of our clients in order to offer them a quality expertise tailored to their needs.

Then we carry out an audit on certain precise aspects of the company. Our independent and impartial view provides an objective assessment of the situation.

Subsequently, proposal for an implementation of the O.P.O. solutions.

The offer for companies can include different sectors of activity such as :

  • Electrical and mechanical maintenance: The optimization of machine and production efficiency is an essential element of O.P.O.'s offer since it allows our customers to benefit from a thorough and precise technical expertise.
  • Safety: Safety at work, the prevention of risks and work accidents are major issues today. For this reason, the securing of work at height, the installation of guardrails, anchor points, lifelines, ladders and standards are essential to the functionality of the workplace and the peace of mind of employees.
  • Occupational health: In order to reduce stress at work but also the number and duration of sick leave, O.P.O offers an ergonomic assessment of the facilities, then a treatment of several bio-psycho-social factors in order to prevent MSDs (musculo-skeletal disorders), sleep disorders or other functional disorders such as headaches, Algo-dysfunctional Syndrome of the Manducatory Apparatus (clenching of teeth), menstrual cycle disorders.
  • Workplace fulfillment and employee involvement are addressed through the eyes and tools used by O.P.O Consulting in the sports and artistic performance optimization departments. We wish to make the knowledge acquired and developed for high level performers (athletes and artists) accessible to employees so that they can explore their potential and grow as an employee but also and especially as a man/woman.

At O.P.O Consulting, we put quality before quantity, and emphasize the temporal relevance of the actions implemented. The satisfaction of our customers is built in several stages, specific to each company.

Each decision follows a logical reasoning built in the exchange and leading to a concrete action directly applicable. Sometimes clients may find themselves facing internal resistance, but this always dissipates as they become more involved in the O.P.O's path.

Thus, this process of change co-constructed between the O.P.O. teams and our clients allows us to obtain results that are long-lasting and have a lasting impact on the company's operations.

The O.P.O. method opens new perspectives for companies in difficulty or concerned about their need to evolve.

Romain Vial

Romain Vial

Managing Director

Maud Dallard-Sauvêtre

Maud Dallard-Sauvêtre

Optimization of Child Development

Delphine Dietrich

Delphine Dietrich

Orthoptist D.E
R&D Department

Julien Luthringer

Julien Luthringer

Mental and Performance Coach

Nicolas Acquié

Nicolas Acquié

Osteopath D.O

PHD Marvin Gaudino

PHD Marvin Gaudino

Mental Coach, hypnosis practicioner,
Performance Optimization Instructor

Guy Chantrieux

Guy Chantrieux

Osteopath D.O.

Our services

Don’t wait any longer, Take the opportunity and get your first audit with an O.P.O expert

Reaching O.P.O Consulting is to seize the opportunity to explore new ways thanks to the Optimization of the Original Potential

I would like a free audit with an O.P.O. expert

I give my contact information to make an appointment and find the formula that suits me:

Describe your needs and problems you are experiencing:

Technical expertise : Maintenance 

Optimize your company's performance with O.P.O Consulting

. Your company is losing money because your machine performance is not optimized, isn’t it ?
. The breakdowns are numerous and repeated?
. Some problems seem insolvable?
. You wish to bring a technical and managerial support to your maintenance team ?

With the idea of responding to the problems of performance optimization that affect companies, we offer an expertise in electrical and mechanical maintenance with 40 years of experience (oil, paper, hydroelectric power plants, textiles ...).

Take advantage of this experience through training days and/or field expertise.

Technical expertise : Safety 

O.P.O Consulting in partnership with Avertikal

. Would you like to secure your facilities with guardrails and lifelines ?
. would you like to install ladders with crinoline, footbridges and anchoring points ?
. Do you need to carry out work at height ?
. The classic solutions do not match to your configuration ?

Work at height requires a rigorous and safe installation.

Take advantage of highly qualified installers to secure your projects (building’s roof, warehouses, factories, supermarkets, etc.).

O.P.O Consulting ensures its service on all the line.

From the upstream audit to the control by an independent organization after the delivery of the site.

A precise selection of the materials used for a perennial installation.

Get your customized quote now.

Health and safety at work 

Preserve your employees' health and safety to reduce sick days.

. Do your employees suffer from musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) related to their workstation ?
. Are you experiencing a high number of sick days and you don't know how to reduce them ?
. Do you want to reduce the costs associated with work-related accidents?
. You would like to put your employees in the best conditions, wouldn’t you ?

Build a formula that works for you to reach your employees best work conditions.
We propose you to take advantage of O.P.O Consulting's expertise thanks to expert’s intervention (to be defined according to the needs and the working conditions) such as osteopaths, psychometricians, occupational therapists, psychologists, orthoptists, etc.

A complete ergonomic assessment of your facilities is possible..

As well as the implementation of routines that favours well-being and personal development.

Develop the learning, attention and concentration capacities of your employees by giving them access to the full extent of their original potential.

Mental health 

Chronic stress doesn't have to happen.
Learn how to free your teams to be more effective.

. Is the pressure of results omnipresent in your company ?
. Can you feel tension within your team ?
. Do your employees feel anxious before going to work ?
. Is the environment conducive to conflict and burnout ?
. Are some members of your team have fallen into depression or even committed suicide ?
. You are confronted with dark thoughts and sometimes anxiety attacks, aren’t you ?
. You are forced to use medication and you are afraid of becoming addicted, aren’t you ?

Many managers and their companies are helpless when faced with the psychological suffering of their teams. Let's look at the reality from a broader perspective.

The management of psychological suffering is a vast field in which the O.P.O. tools of personal deployment bring new and profound solutions.

Mental health is more than just a state of mind. It is a larger balance between your body, your emotions and your psyche.

Thanks to the Personal Deployment Method, which combines work on the mind, the body and the emotions, you can finally break the deadlock.

Let's see together the Human hidden behind the employee.

Team and management 

Finally succeed in empowering your teams

. Are you struggling to motivate your teams ?
. You have the impression that people only work for money, haven’t you ?
. The involvement of your employees in your company is low. They only do "the minimum work" ?
. You have already tried to motivate them with bonuses, but it didn't work ?
. The hierarchical relations are tense and delicate between the management, the managers and the employees ?
. Are human investment and results a source of conflict and stress ?
. As a manager, would you like your feedback to be better understood ?

We offer you to remobilize your employees by valuing the human factor to put it at the service of the company.

By taking advantage of the O.P.O. offer, managers will learn to improve their communication and to better understand the expectations of their employees.

The employees will feel considered and thanks to the O.P.O tools concerning them, they will find meaning in their commitment, solutions for their personal problems and tools to optimize their health.

O.P.O conferences and training 

Organize O.P.O conferences within your company

. Would you like to organize thematic conferences ?
. You would like to share with your teams the foundations of the O.P.O. movement, wouldn’t you ?
. The O.P.O approach seems to correspond to you and you would like to know more ?
. You think that O.P.O tools can bring you solutions to your problems ?

We offer a wide range of conferences that touch on subjects such as the O.P.O vision, management, psychology, performance, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, mental preparation, ergonomics, and many others.

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