Be yourself, free your potential

Performance Optimization

Osteopathic Performance Optimization

Free your potential

The Optimization of Original Potential is a global and dynamic approach carried by the O.P.O. movement. This liberating philosophy and its practical applications are intended to guide Man on the path to his full expression, thus defined in our new concept: The O.P.O Optimal Potential.

3 mobility factors

3 mobility factors

The objective of an O.P.O therapist is to restore the mobility of 3 important factors (Thoughts, Physical body, and Energy body) and harmonize them in order to allow the full expression of the athlete/artist/patient, free from all constraints.

The O.P.O Optimal Potential

The O.P.O Optimal Potential

Expression of the original potential, free of any constraint and bringing the expression of the masterpiece of the human being to its fullest expression.

O.P.O Consulting works mainly with international elite structures and their performers by offering them different services that are based on performance optimization.

However, this non-normative and liberating vision of development, health and performance is not reserved for the top level as you can see below.

Our company is divided in 5 interdependent departments :


GOAL : Balance stability and freedom of movement (i.e. amplitude, fluidity, agility...)

GOAL : Enhance the patient and his/her environment

Lou Nicot
Equitation (Voltige et Saut d'obstacle)

Lou fait de l’équitation depuis son plus jeune âge. Elle aime la compétition mais la gestion de son corps, de son esprit, de son sport n’est pas chose facile, le lâcher prise ne faisait pas partie de son vocabulaire.

Au premier rendez vous, un bilan a été effectué et déjà des évidences sont apparues. La lumière a été mise sur des apprentissages à travailler. On a alors commencer à y voir plus clair. On a compris beaucoup de choses. Maud nous a donné un moyen de comprendre les relations de causes à effets: les douleurs aux jambes inexpliquées, des postures intenables, des faiblesses musculaires….

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Fabio Canu
Country rock Singer and Songwriter

After 25 years of career in rock and country music, I discovered O.P.O Consulting. I immediately appreciated the quality of the services offered to professional artists in the management of pain, in the optimization of performance or in the artistic creation. In all these sectors, O.P.O offers solutions adapted to my needs. I really like the professionalism of the team. I look forward to deepening our collaboration and writing new pages together.

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Bernard Fougeirol
Professional Guitarist

The creation of O.P.O. seems to me to be very relevant in order to bring together practices of various natures (sports, artistic or professional
professional...) through the bridges that can be identified and brought to light by this new therapeutic approach.

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Sami Tebib
Professional Guitarist

My fretting hand is giving me the sensation of flying on the neck which I couldn’t imagine prior to that experience. 

The work is still in progress, and I feel a real evolution in my physical and mental awareness. the obstacles to my expression are falling apart, I’m rediscovering my instruments and what I can tell with them. It is fulfilling to feel yourself grow and reconnect with who you are.

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Nicolas Duc-Dodon
Californian Surfer

Surfing combines timing, balance and endurance into something that we can call the “art of motion’.
O.P.O vision and its applications(performance and recovery) help us getting closer to the art of motion. When you’ll try it, you’ll understand the subtleties hidden into O.P.O expertise and the values the team is carrying.

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Camille Schneider
400m hurdles U20 France Vice-Champion

That's when I had the opportunity to take part in a mental preparation course, with other athletes, supervised by Loïc Aumont. He has guided us towards a fine line of performance psychology. At the beginning, I was skeptical of his method, which was out of line, far from our habits, although intriguing and stimulating. During this course, we worked to identify the limits that deprive us of expressing our full potential.

Using the premises of the O.P.O. method, I learned to be more lucid during training and competition. I learned the importance of a fine approach to mental preparation and how to implement it in my daily life.

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Assadillah Karani
Sprinter (100m, 200m)

I toasted the stages by winning the French Junior Indoor Championships during my first year. I was then selected in the French Junior team, but I seriously injured my quadriceps. My body wasn't ready to support the level of demands that the high level requires.

It was during this reconstruction phase that I was able to experience the philosophy and methodology put in place by Loïc Aumont.

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Damien Ziade
International Judoka

At that time, I didn't know that this would lead to the creation of a movement of such magnitude as O.P.O. What I can say after years of high level competition is that despite our late meeting, the application of the O.P.O. concepts and method made me evolve in a very short time, and my only regret today is that I was not able to take full advantage of such expertise to exploit my full potential during my career.

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Gauthier Laffont
110-meter hurdles

O.P.O Consulting has been a real discovery in my young high-performance career.
In my first career, I was a professional dancer without any medical staff. Now, I’m a sprinter specialized in 110 meter hurdles. Nevertheless, when I started to perform, significant hip blocking slowed my progression. 110-meter hurdles are the hardest discipline in track and field. In fact the demands are so important that we cannot accept additional constraints. That is the reason why, my early sprinting career has been plagued by injuries, in particular on my hamstrings. My body was totally imbalanced and fragile.

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Founder C.E.O &
Osteopath D.O.

Romain Vial

Romain Vial

Managing Director

Marine Fromental

Marine Fromental

Director of C.D.O Department
Osteopath D.O.

Guillaume Cristofini

Guillaume Cristofini

Director of R&D Department
Osteopath D.O.

Joseph Tambourgi

Joseph Tambourgi

On-Call Osteopath

Jonathan Cambon

Jonathan Cambon

Optimization of Child Development, Teaching Specialist

Maud Dallard-Sauvêtre

Maud Dallard-Sauvêtre

Optimization of Child Development

Delphine Dietrich

Delphine Dietrich

Orthoptist D.E
R&D Department

Julien Luthringer

Julien Luthringer

Mental and Performance Coach

Jeremy Mialhe

Jeremy Mialhe

Physical trainer

Nicolas Acquié

Nicolas Acquié

Osteopath D.O

Martine Arnaut

Martine Arnaut

General Practitioner and osteopath
Specialized in pediatry

PHD Marvin Gaudino

PHD Marvin Gaudino

Mental Coach, hypnosis practicioner,
Performance Optimization Instructor

Sherman Hudson

Sherman Hudson

Physical Prep Coach specialized in bodybuilding

Guy Chantrieux

Guy Chantrieux

Osteopath D.O.

The O.P.O method is based on key concepts such as complementary relationships and skills, sharing of knowledge, and the realization of professional potential. Consequently, our team is multidisciplinary and composed of professionals with one common goal: The Excellence.
Our team meets challenges with innovation and professionalism, providing uniquely effective, and lasting solutions.

  • Diploma Osteopath (Master 2)
  • Posturologist C.I.E.S
  • Instructor First Aid and Emergency Care
  • Certified coach and conditioning trainer in Alpine Skiing

Founder C.E.O &
Osteopath D.O.

Founder of O.P.O Consulting, Loïc Aumont is an entrepreneur with a non-normative approach but a liberating vision of osteopathy. With the mentorship of Bertrand Coche and Robert Rousse, two emblematic figures of French-Canadian osteopathy, Loïc has benefited from their 40 years of experience, through long fraternal exchanges, private courses or internships.

Rich of this teaching, he now wishes to show the way to a new approach, merging science, technical finesse and humanist philosophy, in order to create the link of a successful interdisciplinary partnership.

"With O.P.O, it's about bridging the gap between the different players in treatment and performance. I believe that osteopathy must reach out to specialized disciplines, in order to make exchange and sharing, flow better. Nevertheless, in order not to lose its effectiveness, it must also respect its own identity and be careful not to fall into the conformism of Cartesian thought which tends to bring it closer to manual medicine”. »

Former captain of a Handball team, he is keen to build a strong and a complementary team in which everyone can express their uniqueness and contribute to the O.P.O. movement.

"The potential of knowledge and skills is the source in the success of this new, efficient, holistic and human approach."

Romain Vial

Managing Director

With more than 10 years of experience in the world of high-end hospitality business, Romain Vial has developed a natural preference to search for details leading to excellence.

“The path to progress is full of traps that can lead to vain contentment and thus slow down progress. We must remain open to criticism and questioning in order to prevent ego’s vicissitudes and consequently identify the problems before they arise. "

At O.P.O Consulting, he is in charge of management of all accounts and personnel, administrative tasks and the business manager. It is an essential role since it allows the therapist team to focus on the quality of service, the search for tailor-made solutions and the implementation of scientific studies. Above all, he wants to satisfy customers by precisely identifying their requests and expectations.

Alix Sibiodon


Coming from the high level sport (handball), Alix is a Sport Management and International Relation graduated. From a very young age he is a big fan of multi-sport news and practice as well as Olympic Games history.  He got a real passion for cross-culture management and languages when he started studying and working abroad.

OPO Consulting is a project of teammate where passionated people invest their time and energy to give the best support and expertise to reach the quintessence.

“I think being always concerned with performance as well as exploring all the possibilities and survey influences is the crossroad of knowledges which benefit the medical expertise. Thus, OPO and I are linked: being able to question yourself, the environment and looking to meet new people are the opportunity to grow up as a person and professional.”

The search for excellence, knowledge and the multiplicity of encounters, allow us to rise, to grow and to bring its stone to the movement of opening proposed by O.P.O Consulting. At O.P.O Consulting, it is as Chief Operating Officer that Alix expresses his expertise. It is he who ensures that the general functioning of the company and the various departments runs smoothly.

Marine Fromental
  • Diploma Osteopath (Master 2)

Director of C.D.O Department
Osteopath D.O.

Director of the Optimization of Child Development Department, Marine Fromental is full of desire to develop osteopathic care in this area. A former high-level sportswoman in mountain biking, she knows the importance of the action potential of the human body and the state of mind necessary to reach a maximum level of competence.

"Anatomical, embryological, pathological and medical knowledge is important, but the analysis of the harmony of movement is essential. My job as a therapist is therefore to help the human body find a harmony of movement as close as possible to total freedom, while developing the mind to match what every being is capable of.

Indeed the body is a vehicle directed by the spirit, so it is essential to have a full awareness of it in order to be able to put it into action in order to use its potential to the best.

Throughout their growth, children gradually become aware of their bodies and their potential. If from an early age we can act on their learning and help them to optimize it as much as possible then imagine the power of their future potential.

Everyone will be free to express what drives him without having to fight against societal, family or body conditions. "

Through these few words, you will understand that Marine attaches great importance to the personal development of the children with whom she works. For her, in-depth expertise during this period of rapid development, which is childhood, is the most effective and consistent way to reach her optimal development potential.

By instilling this dynamic within the child development optimization department, Marine contributes to the quality of the preventive and liberating vision that O.P.O Consulting develops and offers.

Guillaume Cristofini
  • Diploma Osteopath (Master 2)
  • McGill method 1: Foundation for the pain-free back

Director of R&D Department
Osteopath D.O.

Guillaume is a D.O. osteopath living in Corsica since several years. Passionate about human physiology and athletic development, he shares within O.P.O his demand for quality and his knowledge in order to mark a path towards excellence.

Above all, it is important to him to build a network of competent health professionals around him in order to enrich the accuracy of his diagnoses and to allow the implementation of a real interdisciplinary collaboration.

"It quickly became clear to me the importance of complementing my skills through different disciplines. By sharpening my ability to diagnose non-osteopathic pathologies, I learned to redirect patients more quickly to other healthcare professionals. By opening up interdisciplinary barriers and promoting exchange, we considerably reduce the time for therapeutic wandering. Patients are the primary beneficiaries of comprehensive, rapid and relevant care. "

Within O.P.O, Guillaume is responsible for the research and development department. He is the one who conducts internal meetings, updating scientific knowledge, and implementing study protocols. Thanks to his work, we support the O.P.O method on quality scientific explanations and one of the most demanding expertise.

Joseph Tambourgi
  • State-registered diploma of physiotherapist

On-Call Osteopath

Initially a D.E. physiotherapist graduate in 2002, Joseph's career path is very different from the other O.P.O. team members. Indeed, after several years of practice, being in constant search of new therapeutic solutions, he noticed the limits of his practice and began a long process of post graduate training which brought him to osteopathy in 2008. Since 2012, Joseph practices an exclusive osteopathy based on philosophical and practical concepts. He joined the O.P.O team in order to pass on his knowledge of physiotherapy and their approaches. This constitutes real added value for our team. By enriching his knowledge with the O.P.O. method, he brings a complementary perspective allowing us to improve the relevance of our interventions.

“What seems important to me in treatment, is focusing in the health and not in the disease.  We need to be able to see outside of the box in terms of symptoms in order to see a bigger picture and restore health. This need to go through listening and request of the patient as well as the treatment and perception of the therapist”

Jonathan Cambon

Optimization of Child Development, Teaching Specialist

Jonathan is a school teacher who cares about his students. It is important to him to consider the child as a singular being, rich with a unique inner potential that should be allowed to blossom, stimulated, or simply accompanied.

Jonathan quickly wished to join the O.P.O. movement in order to bring his reading prism and his expertise in school education. Logically, his investment translated into the Optimization of Child Development (O.D.E.) department where he shares his field observations and knowledge in cognitive development.

Jonathan represents, by his presence within O.D.E., the dynamics of sharing and interdisciplinary collaboration driven by the movement. He thus wishes to bring a non-normative pedagogical dimension to our team:

 "Within our department, the development of a faculty or know-how remains important but is not the finality. It is a question of bringing together the tools and expertise giving children the opportunity to explore their full potential. We are obliged to take stock of the means implemented, their limits and to propose solutions. At O.P.O., we rely on interdisciplinary complementarity and propose a model to make its application more fluid."

For Jonathan, a child's self-confidence is the keystone of an adult in the making. But this aspect of the relationship between a student and a teacher is sometimes difficult to address. At O.P.O. we build a human, deep and liberating developmental approach available to the teaching staff and to all those involved in childhood.

"Teaching is not filling a vase, it's lighting a fire" Montaigne

Maud Dallard-Sauvêtre
  • State-registered diploma of Psycho-motor therapist

Optimization of Child Development

Maud Dallard is a liberal psychomotrician practicing on Montélimar for more than 10 years. When she started in psychomotricity, following a DEUG in Psychology, she wanted to put into movement and body these theoretical bases.

After professional experiences with foster children, children and adolescents with multiple disabilities and children with severe behavioral disorders, she has broadened her practice in the acquisition of movement and the relationship between the body and mental health.

"I have chosen to sharpen my knowledge and practice of archaic reflexes, the primary basis of child development, because reflexes allow the emergence of voluntary movement. Their integration is of paramount importance in the development of the child, its self-confidence and the construction of a healthy and performing individual. »

For Maud, exchange and interdisciplinary sharing are essential to optimize patient care and quality of care. They are also a valuable source of personal and professional enrichment.

"I am delighted to be able to be part of this O.P.O. movement, based on the values of respect, humanism and sharing that are dear to me. I am convinced that uniting our individual strengths will take us far in this search for the development of well-being and human performance. I am proud to bring my specific psychomotricist's viewpoint and to blow, with each of our members, into the veils of the O.P.O. movement ».

Delphine Dietrich
  • State-registered diploma of orthoptist

Orthoptist D.E
R&D Department

A graduate of the Paris VI School of Orthoptics, Delphine began her career at the National Hospital Center of Ophthalmology of the XV-XX in the department of Professor LAROCHE and currently practices in the south of France.

Human and curious, Delphine is at the origin of a first humanitarian mission of orthoptics in Kenya which allowed her team to screen and equip more than 3000 people in a few weeks.

It is important to her to bring a relational dimension to her clinical examination by considering the individual as a whole. Thanks to this holistic vision, she was naturally attracted to the O.P.O. movement.

"The eye is the postural sensor most frequently out of adjustment. The eye is the most frequently maladjusted postural sensor. As the name suggests, the extraocular muscles controle movement of the eye in the orbital cavity. Any imbalance in these functions can lead to postural changes and mechanical compensation, which can cause a wide range of symptoms such as headaches, visual fatigue, dizziness, attention disorders, neck or spinal pain. »

It therefore seems fundamental to seek to detect and treat these binocular and oculomotor imbalances in order to allow the prevention of functional disorders, the optimal development of a child, and the performance of an athlete.

Thanks to Delphine's expertise, O.P.O's R&D department is able to provide optimal management of oculomotor orthoptic disorders.

"The desire for excellence and sharing that drives all O.P.O. members has led to the establishment of a fluid multidisciplinary collaboration, leading us to offer quality, comprehensive and sustainable care. The alliance of our skills is a strength in all our missions and that makes all the difference. »

Julien Luthringer

  • Graduated from the Ecole Spéciale Militaire of Saint-Cyr
  • Graduated the US Military Academy of West Point
  • Paris School of Journalism

Mental and Performance Coach

Julien Luthringer has been at the forefront of top-level sport for more than 10 years. All his missions, whether as a mental coach or a career management consultant, in sports and in companies, are centered around a general theme: performance optimization.

Graduated from the Ecole Spéciale Militaire of Saint-Cyr and the US Military Academy of West Point

From European and American golf circuits, to team sports halls and professional soccer, his many experiences now allow him to create many connections and bridges between the performance levers specific to each discipline. He has also worked in ice hockey, track and field, and poker.

Julien also works on behalf of several national federations and professional clubs, whether as atrainer or a mental coach, on professional athletes and young people in training, both male and female.

« The road to success is a very complex equation, strewn with pitfalls and traps, but it makes winning so much more beautiful. The desire to progress and the ability to question oneself on a daily basis are essential factors of success. In this fast-moving world, it is important to be surrounded with the right people to identify the real issues and be able to focus on the details that make the difference between a gold medal and a second place. Finally, the construction of a mental process unsinkable to pressure and doubts, based on the fair balance between the conscious, the subconscious and the self-image, is the last stone to be the best among the best ».

Thanks to his formation at the Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme in Paris, his missions extend to the world of medias, for which he is a consultant and occasional commentator.

For the past two seasons, he has also been general manager of a semi-professional soccer club, going towards the professional world.

By joining the sports performance optimization department of O.P.O Consulting, Julien brings with him a considerable field experience thanks to which we improve and broaden our understanding of the mechanisms of high performance.

By articulating a multidisciplinary team with varied profiles and driven by a common vision, O.P.O intends to push back the limits of human achievement and make this artistic dimension of human movement accessible.

Jeremy Mialhe
  • Master's degree in Training and Optimization of Sports Performance
  • BEES (Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif) Alpine Skiing
  • DEJEPS (Diplôme d’Etat Jeunesse, Education populaire et Sport) XV Rugby And Alpine Ski
  • BPAGFF (Activités Gymniques de la Forme et de la Force),

Physical trainer

Jeremy Mialhe has been a physical trainer for more than 10 years in different high-level sports.

A former strength athlete, particularly in the disciplines of Strongman and Crossfit, Jeremy has built a character and a rigor that has led him to the highest level.

All his missions, in sport as a physical trainer but also in teaching as a trainer at the CREPS in Montpellier, are based on performance optimization.

With a Master's degree in Training and Optimization of Sports Performance, two DEJEPS (Diplôme d'État Supérieur de la Jeunesse, de l'éducation Populaire et du Sport) in Rugby and Alpine Skiing and a BPAGFF (Activités Gymniques de la Forme et de la Force), Jeremy brings great importance to knowledge enhancement and sharing.

His natural curiosity for innovation and exchanges has led him to build a rich and human approach to physical preparation and performance optimization.

His various missions with the French Alpine Ski Team have taken him to the World Cup circuits and the Olympic Games where he has participated in the French successes. His experience in professional rugby has also enabled him to develop skills in adapting and cross-fertilizing between disciplines.

For him, "everything is possible for those who believe". In other words, everything is possible from the moment we break down the barriers holding us back.

O.P.O.'s mission is precisely to identify these unconscious and hidden brakes. With Jeremy on its team, O.P.O offers a complete expertise aimed at pushing back the limits of health performance.

Thanks to the combination of experts with a non-normative humanist vision, O.P.O embodies an innovative approach to high performance. In order to help our clients express their full potential, we bring new insights and shed light on details that have remained in the shadows.

Nicolas Acquié
  • Diploma Osteopath (Master 2)

Post-graduate training:

  • Visceral osteopathy, JP Barral (2023)
  • Fascias evidence and practice (2022)
  • The cranial differently, Marco Gabutti (2022)
  • T.O.G: The practice of total body adjustment, Pascal Grolaux (2022)
  • NLP Basics, Coaching Quebec (2022)
  • Revisiting the therapeutic relationship with the biopsychosocial model, Rafael Zegarra-Parodi (2022)
  • The path of the heart in osteopathy, Bruno Ducoux (2022)
  • En finir avec le bruxisme, Dr Isabelle Hue (2021)
  • Osteopathic examination of the newborn, Anne Macquet (2021)
  • Biodynamic osteopathy, François Desrosiers (2021)
  • Specificities of the newborn, Anne Macquet (2021)
  • Scientific research in osteopathy, Kookie Learning (2021)
  • Neuroscience of pain, Laurent Fabre (2020)
  • Intrauterine lesion postures, Robert Rousse (2016)
  • Osteopathy in sports, S. Joffroy (2014)
  • Osteopathy, motility and embryology, A. Auberville (2013)
  • Minor parameter techniques; efficiency of the thrust, N. Deawele (2014)
  • Osteopathy and endocrinology, F Aallart (2014)
  • Toulouse posturology seminar, B Autet (2014)

Osteopath D.O

Osteopath D.O., teacher, apprentice sommelier... Nicolas Acquié has many hats and many passions.

He has been nurturing the one for osteopathy for about ten years, notably thanks to a journey throughout France, Ireland, and since 2017, in Montreal. At the end of his osteopathic training, Nicolas deepened his learning by sharing the experience and vision of "wise" osteopaths, which allowed him to evolve for more than 6 years, between science and tradition. This journey allowed him to explore a diversity of conceptual and technical approaches.

If it is thanks to sports that Nicolas crossed the road of osteopathy, it is quite naturally that he reconnected with this universe by integrating the Dynasty Sport Institute, a high-performance center dedicated to the sporting and educational development of young international athletes, predicted to a future at the highest level in basketball.

Sharing and encounters are also a necessity in Nicolas Acquié's life. Thus, in parallel with his practice activity, he offers practical courses in osteopathy at the Institut d'Enseignement d'Ostéopathie du Québec (IEOQ).

"The values magnified by O.P.O Consulting are part of a movement that has also guided my professional activity for years. Placed on an international level, this vision of optimization, initiated by its founder, Loïc Aumont, seduced me from the very first moments. This is why it is an honor for me to join this movement where research and sharing play an essential part in optimizing the development of O.P.O. customers".

By joining O.P.O Consulting, Nicolas joins a rich team in which he will be able to express all his singularity. Above all multiple, O.P.O expertise is not an aggregate or a superposition of skills, but the construction of an interconnected system capable of responding to complex and rare problems.

Martine Arnaut
  • General Practitioner, Dijon University (1985)
  • Graduated in manual medicine - osteopathy (Paris XIII) in 2001
  • Teacher at the Paris XIII University
  • President at "Nais'Sens & Parents" since 2019
  • Trainer in pediatric osteopathy

General Practitioner and osteopath
Specialized in pediatry

Martine Arnaut is a general practitioner in semi rural Burgundy and has always been interested in child and pregnant women care. Graduating in manual medicine - osteopathy (Paris XIII) in 2001 gave her a glimpse into a new global and complimentary therapeutic approach to caring for patients.

She has been particularly drawn to what is known as "involuntary" techniques and extensive further training has enabled her to work exclusively as a pediatric oriented osteopath since 2005.

She became a trainer in 2012 to fulfil her desire and need to pass on what she had learnt, not only from her studies but also from listening to parents in her GP practice and from her own further reading.

Martine has joined OPO Consulting's child development optimisation department. as a clinical pediatric expert.

"I was drawn to OPO Consulting's project for the way in which the patient (child) is put in the centre of a dynamic, holistic movement : a vital, structuring and reassuring breeding ground where the child's psychic, motor, relational and social development can be optimized whilst still respecting his individuality".

PHD Marvin Gaudino
  • 2021: Specialization training in Hypnosis Sport and Performance
  • 2021: Master Ericksonian hypnosis practitioner
  • 2019: Ericksonian Hypnosis Practitionner
  • 2017: PhD in Sport and Performance Psychology
  • 2013: Degree in Psychology
  • 2012: Master 2 in Sport and Performance Psychology
  • 2012: University diploma in Coaching and Mental Performance

Mental Coach, hypnosis practicioner,
Performance Optimization Instructor

Specialized in the understanding of the psychological mechanisms involved in sports and professional performance, Marvin Gaudino helps individuals and groups to better know themselves, to develop and to increase their competence in order to optimize their potential.

His practice is based on scientific research in various fields (emotion, emotional regulation, emotional intelligence, stress management, recovery, self-confidence, motivation, behavioral change). His training in sports psychology, positive psychology, social psychology, mental preparation and more recently hypnosis has led him to be able to intervene on various subjects.

"I like to collaborate with experts from several disciplines and to find together sustainable solutions for the client. I am sensitive to this inclusive and integrative approach of several approaches to allow the client to develop at best. O.P.O consulting represents the opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team that questions, exchanges and finds ways to act efficiently and quickly towards the client's goal."

Curious and eager to excel in his individual and collective coaching practice, Marvin enjoys working in high-stakes situations where the challenge of personal deployment is one of the keys. At O.P.O Consulting, Marvin brings his knowledge and skills in the mental dimension to enable the client to use this resource as a driving force for change.

To find his scientific research in the field of psychological adaptation in stressful situations (sports and professional) Click and read his articles on Research Gate

Sherman Hudson
  • U.S.Retired Army SSG
  • The Original MetroFlex Gym (Ronnie Coleman)

Physical Prep Coach specialized in bodybuilding

Sherman Hudson is a Retired ARMY SSG. He has completed III Combat Tours and II Non-Conflict Tour Overseas. During his journey he has attended Florida State University (FSU) | American Military University (AMU). He has a passion for Olympic Training as well as Bodybuilding and Power-lifting.

His vision of Strength and Conditioning and the O.P.O philosophy intersected. Indeed, the Optimization of Original Potential is a global and dynamic approach. Carried by the O.P.O. movement, this liberating philosophy and its practical applications are intended to guide Man on the path to his full expression, thus defined in our new concept: The O.P.O Optimal Potential.

His words: "I believe that when teaching and coaching athletes, Coaches should simplify drills, exercises and lifts so that they can work in proper biomechanical positions that will transfer to the sport of the athlete’s desire. Coaches should not underestimate the importance of the basic principles of exercise science and use technology as a tool to validate the training process and not allow it to dictate the process.”

Within O.P.O Hudson is a Physical Prep Coach. His duties consist of but are not limited to: Creating and delivering a High Performance strategy that enhances the performance environment of all National Team Players. Work with the O.P.O team of Sports Science and Sports Medicine (SSSM) and Coaching Professionals to assist athletes to optimize their Sports Performance Potential (SPP) in an ethical manner.

Guy Chantrieux
  • Diploma Osteopath (2011)
  • State diploma Psychomotor therapist (2000)
  • B.E.E.S Body building and Force Training (1995)

Osteopath D.O.

Today, Guy works as an osteopath in private practice and passes on his know-how to students and professionals in the health and medical-social sectors in the South West of France. He regularly works as an osteopath for prestigious circus festivals: Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain in Paris, Festival International du Cirque de Monte Carlo, etc. This work led him to create an association to help and support artists, Cirk'Ostéo.

The chance of contacts placed O.P.O Consulting on his path, whose modern and humanistic vision he shares.

"In my very global approach to the human being, I always need to collaborate with other professionals with complementary expertise. It is often difficult and time-consuming to bring together skills with the aim of health and performance optimization to enable an individual or a group to reach their full potential. O.P.O Consulting responds perfectly to this expectation by bringing together professionals in the same dynamic of reflection and sharing of expertise for a common objective: to potentiate the human being and the group.

In the O.P.O team, Guy brings his expertise as a psychomotrician and osteopath in areas covering all his fields of competence: childhood, sports, the arts and business.

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