Be yourself, free your potential

Lou Nicot
Lou Nicot
Equitation (Voltige et Saut d'obstacle)

Lou fait de l’équitation depuis son plus jeune âge. Elle aime la compétition mais la gestion de son corps, de son esprit, de son sport n’est pas chose facile, le lâcher prise ne faisait pas partie de son vocabulaire.

Au premier rendez vous, un bilan a été effectué et déjà des évidences sont apparues. La lumière a été mise sur des apprentissages à travailler. On a alors commencer à y voir plus clair. On a compris beaucoup de choses. Maud nous a donné un moyen de comprendre les relations de causes à effets: les douleurs aux jambes inexpliquées, des postures intenables, des faiblesses musculaires….

Il y a plus d'un an, suite à la demande du corps enseignant, ma fille Lou a commencé à travaillé avec Maud Dallard Sauvetre, une psychomotricienne spécialiste du développement de l'enfant. Une Psychomotricienne à quoi ça sert? Pourquoi Lou en aurait elle besoin ?

Au premier rendez vous, un bilan a été effectué et déjà des évidences sont apparues. La lumière a été mise sur des apprentissages à travailler. On a alors commencer à y voir plus clair. On a compris beaucoup de choses. Maud nous a donné un moyen de comprendre les relations de causes à effets: les douleurs aux jambes inexpliquées, des postures intenables, des faiblesses musculaires….

Lou fait de l’équitation depuis son plus jeune âge. Elle aime la compétition mais la gestion de son corps, de son esprit, de son sport n’est pas chose facile, le lâcher prise ne faisait pas partie de son vocabulaire.
Maud a décidé de compléter son travail avec Loïc Aumont qui a aussi travaillé la relation corps et l’esprit.  Ensemble ils ont travaillé le maître et l’artiste (Loïc vous expliquera). A nouveau, des choses nous ont sauté aux yeux. Et enfin nous trouvions des solutions.
Dans les mois qui suivirent, un décalage est apparu lors des sauts. Avec l'entraineur nous ne comprenions pas pourquoi Lou déviait à ce point. Après le regard d'O.P.O Consulting, l’explication est tombée et a été réglée par des exercices et du travail personnel à faire à la maison.
Le travail de ces deux professionnels ont permis à ma fille de vaincre beaucoup de maux physiques ou moraux et d’avoir un soutien indéfectible. Dès qu’elle en éprouve le besoin ils répondent présents par leurs séances et leurs mots.
On explique nos maux et en équipe ils trouvent des solutions, ils travaillent ensemble pour l'optimisation de la performance de Lou. Merci à O.P.O CONSULTING de leur soutien, de leur travail et de leur accompagnement auprès de Lou. Grâce à eux elle évolue de mieux en mieux tant sur le plan personnel que sur le plan sportif. Sa réussite et sa progression vous en faites partie . Merci


Fabio Canu
Fabio Canu
Cantante y compositor de música country y rock

Tras 25 años en la música rock y country, descubrí O.P.O Consulting. Inmediatamente me impresionó la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos a los artistas profesionales. Ya sea en la gestión del dolor, en la optimización del rendimiento artístico o en el proceso creativo, O.P.O ofrece soluciones adaptadas a mis necesidades. Aprecio el profesionalismo del equipo. Estoy deseando profundizar nuestra colaboración y escribir nuevas páginas con ellos.

Tras 25 años en la música rock y country, descubrí O.P.O Consulting. Inmediatamente me impresionó la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos a los artistas profesionales. Ya sea en la gestión del dolor, en la optimización del rendimiento artístico o en el proceso creativo, O.P.O ofrece soluciones adaptadas a mis necesidades. Aprecio el profesionalismo del equipo. Estoy deseando profundizar nuestra colaboración y escribir nuevas páginas con ellos.

Bernard Fougeirol
Bernard Fougeirol
Professional Guitarist

The creation of O.P.O. seems to me to be very relevant in order to bring together practices of various natures (sports, artistic or professional
professional...) through the bridges that can be identified and brought to light by this new therapeutic approach.

I consulted Loïc AUMONT as an osteopath 3 years ago and I was quickly impressed by the competence of this young osteopath, very knowledgeable in his therapeutic practice and very ambitious in the help he intends to bring to patients by taking into account the globality of the individual and the optimization of the potential of each patient.

The creation of O.P.O. seems to me to be very relevant in order to bring together practices of various natures (sports, artistic or professional
professional...) through the bridges that can be identified and brought to light by this new therapeutic approach.

We can hope that the most favorable hypotheses will be confirmed little by little, in the course of the work undertaken by Loïc AUMONT and his partners, in an extremely open spirit
We can hope that the most favorable hypotheses will be confirmed little by little, in the course of the work undertaken by Loïc AUMONT and his partners, in an extremely open spirit in the direction of a POSITIVE which is the recurring objective of all the initiatives undertaken.

I wish a great success to this young company.

Nicolas Duc-Dodon
Nicolas Duc-Dodon
Entrepreneur Surfeur

Le surf est une discipline où technique, timing, et qualités athlétiques se confondent et se retranscrivent dans un mouvement artistique, fluide et éphémère. La vision O.P.O et ses applications dans le soin et la performance tendent à nous rapprocher de cette dimension artistique du mouvement humain. Lorsque vous l'aurez essayé, vous comprendrez les subtilités qui se cachent dans cette expertise et les valeurs qui animent désormais toute une équipe.

" J'ai eu l'opportunité de rencontrer Loïc Aumont lors de sa venue à San Franscico il y a déjà plusieurs années. A cette époque je découvrais les premisses de ce projet novateur. O.P.O Consulting n'existait pas encore mais travaillant moi même sur un projet de start-up à succés, j'ai tout de suite reconnu le potentiel de ce projet. Nous avons longuement échangé, puis j'ai pû profiter de cette expertise pour progresser et faire évoluer ma pratique du surf. Le surf est une discipline où technique, timing, et qualités athlétiques se confondent et se retranscrivent dans un mouvement artistique, fluide et éphémère. La vision O.P.O et ses applications dans le soin et la performance tendent à nous rapprocher de cette dimension artistique du mouvement humain. Lorsque vous l'aurez essayé, vous comprendrez les subtilités qui se cachent dans cette expertise et les valeurs qui animent désormais toute une équipe. "

Gauthier Laffont
Gauthier Laffont
110 metros con vaya

O.P.O Consulting fue un verdadero descubrimiento en mi carrera como joven atleta de alto nivel.

En mi primera carrera yo fui un bailarín profesional, ahora soy corredor especializado en 110 metros con vallas. Sin embargo, cuando comencé mi carrera como atleta tuve un bloqueo especialmente en la cadera que conllevó a ralentizar mi progreso. Desafortunadamente, los 110 metros con vallas es una dura disciplina dentro del atletismo y los altos obstáculos provocaron este bloqueo, que resultó siendo la fuente de lesiones, en particular en los músculos isquiotibiales.

Para traducir

Damien Ziade
Damien Ziade

En ese momento, no tenía idea de que descubriría la creación de un movimiento de tal magnitud como el de O.P.O. Lo que puedo afirmar después de años de competición de alto nivel es que a pesar de nuestra reunión tardía, la aplicación de los conceptos y el método OPO me hizo evolucionar en muy poco tiempo, y lo único que lamento hoy es no haber podido aprovechar al máximo esa experiencia para explotar todo mi potencial durante mi carrera.

Para traducir

Sami Tebib
Sami Tebib
Professional Guitarist

My fretting hand is giving me the sensation of flying on the neck which I couldn’t imagine prior to that experience. 

The work is still in progress, and I feel a real evolution in my physical and mental awareness. the obstacles to my expression are falling apart, I’m rediscovering my instruments and what I can tell with them. It is fulfilling to feel yourself grow and reconnect with who you are.

Being a guitar player for 15 years, I discovered O.P.O. in 2020, and right away, I felt connected with the principles they are promoting.

As a musician, I am constantly striving for performance and fluidity in my playing. I felt I reached a wall, with a growing tension in my right arm and a heaviness on the left one. Those obstacles kept me away from the speed and precision required to attain my objectives. 

The O.P.O. way of working, with its different axes, whether it be osteopathy, psychomotricity or physical training, allowed me to discover a lightness in my picking hand that I thought was unreachable before. My fretting hand is giving me the sensation of flying on the neck which I couldn’t imagine prior to that experience. 

The work is still in progress, and I feel a real evolution in my physical and mental awareness. the obstacles to my expression are falling apart, I’m rediscovering my instruments and what I can tell with them. It is fulfilling to feel yourself grow and reconnect with who you are.

Now opportunities are coming my way and doors are opening, I feel ready to embrace my professional career without limits. The optimisation of performances is real and it is truly a shift in the philosophy of health. 

Thank you O.P.O.

Camille Schneider
Camille Schneider
400m hurdles U20 France Vice-Champion

That's when I had the opportunity to take part in a mental preparation course, with other athletes, supervised by Loïc Aumont. He has guided us towards a fine line of performance psychology. At the beginning, I was skeptical of his method, which was out of line, far from our habits, although intriguing and stimulating. During this course, we worked to identify the limits that deprive us of expressing our full potential.

Using the premises of the O.P.O. method, I learned to be more lucid during training and competition. I learned the importance of a fine approach to mental preparation and how to implement it in my daily life.

I started track and field at the age of 17, after practicing several different and complementary sports. I then discovered the 400m hurdles, which corresponded well to my profile as an athlete in that I wasn't the fastest but showed a rare resistance to suffering and a courageous mentality in the effort.

This discipline requires intensive and hard training, especially to develop the anaerobic lactic acid pathway. The mind also plays an important role in the training sequence and in questioning oneself once the results have been achieved. In 2019, I signed my personal best in 53''32 in U20.

For a long time, I believed that all I had to do was train hard and focus on the stopwatch to perform. However, my body began to show the limits of such an approach.

That's when I had the opportunity to take part in a mental preparation course, with other athletes, supervised by Loïc Aumont. He has guided us towards a fine line of performance psychology. At the beginning, I was skeptical of his method, which was out of line, far from our habits, although intriguing and stimulating. During this course, we worked to identify the limits that deprive us of expressing our full potential.

This approach paid off the following year when I finished 4th in the final of the French Championships (senior category) over 400m hurdles, beating my PB in the semi-final (52''43) and then in the final (52''41). This year, in 2020, I became the U20 France Vice-Champion, behind Wilfred Happio, the 2019 U20 European Champion.

Using the premises of the O.P.O. method, I learned to be more lucid during training and competition. I learned the importance of a fine approach to mental preparation and how to implement it in my daily life.

Finally, I understood that listening to oneself is an integral part of performance, and is as important as physical preparation, recovery, muscle strengthening or technical work.

I would like to thank my trainers and Loïc for the work they have done together to help me go beyond my limits.

Assadillah Karani
Assadillah Karani
Sprinter (100m, 200m)

I toasted the stages by winning the French Junior Indoor Championships during my first year. I was then selected in the French Junior team, but I seriously injured my quadriceps. My body wasn't ready to support the level of demands that the high level requires.

It was during this reconstruction phase that I was able to experience the philosophy and methodology put in place by Loïc Aumont.

My name is Assadillah Karani, I landed on the track more than 6 years ago, after spending a youth playing soccer. My qualities of speed naturally oriented me towards sprinting (100m and 200m).

I toasted the stages by winning the French Junior Indoor Championships during my first year. I was then selected in the French Junior team, but I seriously injured my quadriceps. My body wasn't ready to support the level of demands that the high level requires.

It was during this reconstruction phase that I was able to experience the philosophy and methodology put in place by Loïc Aumont.

At that time, we created a working group with my coach Benoit Constant, Loïc, my physiotherapist, and other athletes. I gradually developed as an athlete but also as a man. I learned to apprehend my thoughts, my feelings on the track, and not to play another character than my own. This in-depth work allowed me to abandon the destructive doubts that surrounded me and hindered my fulfillment.

Loïc's role in this change was decisive. I have integrated the premises of the O.P.O. method and I now think that it is its key concepts and their practical applications that make the O.P.O. movement specific. 

Some of them have particularly marked me:

The first concept, "The Mobility Triangle", still allows me to progress today thanks to a complete vision of performance. Applicable on the track and in professional life, it helps to easily identify blockages and to act on them before they unbalance the general harmony.

The third concept, "The patient actor of his own path" made me aware of the role I had in creating my own path and making my own way. Through my thoughts and actions, I can choose my destination and set up a path to get there.

During these 6 years of work, we have done group workshops, mental preparation courses, and long training sessions. We have experimented many tools that now allow me to coach groups of young athletes, while remaining focused on my olympic goal with the Comoros. 

I can't wait to discover the next chapters that the O.P.O. method has in store for me. Thank you and see you soon on the track.

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